
Adding a Custom Look and Feel

Back in the old days (the 2000s), getting your name or logo printed on your portfolio was a big hassle and expense. These days, it can be done easily and cheaply. The question is, should you have your identity on the outside of your work.

The biggest argument for not adding your identity to your portfolio is simplicity. Simple is good. A name or logo is one more thing to look at. Minimalists rejoice.

The biggest argument for adding your identity to your book or case is marketing. You sell a service, and you’re open for business. Every opportunity that you have to communicate that fact should be taken. The cover of your portfolio is prime marketing real estate; don’t waste it on minimalism.

Another good reason to permanently add your identity to your portfolio is to prevent it from getting lost or stolen. If you’re shipping your book off to an art director that may have dozens of books on her desk, don’t count on her to keep your name and address with your book and ship it all back to you.

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